How to get to Labe aréna Račice
By Car
GPS: Latitude: 50.458255, Longitude: 14.342051
Distance and orientation times:
- Ústí nad Labem: 56 km, 45 minutes
- Praha: 60 km, 50 minutes
- Litoměřice: 25 km, 30 minutes
- Mělník: 18 km, 20 minutes
- Roudnice nad Labem: 12 km, 15 minutes.
Please follow the instructions of the operating personnel at the course, who will tell you where to park your car.
By Train
The regional Railway station Hněvice is about 15 minutes by walk from the Račice Regatta Venue. This station is located on the main line Prague – Dresden. Express trains from Prague and Ústí nad Labem stop there.
Distance and orientation times:
- Praha, Main Railway Station: 57 km, 46 minutes
- Ústí nad Labem: 49 km, 37 minutes
For more information about traffic relations and prices, please refer to the, or + 420 840 112 113.
Way to walk from train station to the venue
By Air
Václav Havel International Airport, Prague (PRG) is 67 km by road from Račice Regatta Venue. The travel time is approximately 1 hour.